Odoo Implementation
MYSQL Connector

Within this module, you will find a "MYSQL Connector" that allows you to easily import your records/data into Odoo with easy and simple configurations. You must ensure that your data have been entered into the SQL Connector as well as the MySQL table fields and synced successfully.
Key Features

You can easily connect the MySQL database to Odoo via the MYSQL Connector if you already have your own database in MySQL and you want to connect it to Odoo.

Now, to navigate this feature Go to MYSQL Connector > Configuration > SQL Connector >Fill in the details and Click on the Connection Button.
[Note: If your connection was set up correctly then it will show the Success message. But, if your connection was not set correctly then it will show the Connection Failed Message]

Additionally, In the SQL Connector, you have to fill the required details in the Server Settings.
Name: you have to create your own sql connector name
Host: you have to define your own server where your database is located
Port: you have to define the port number in SQL Connector from which you can access your database

Username: In this, you have to define your own username.
Password: here, you have to define your password
Database: You have to set your MYSQL Connector database name which you want to connect it to Odoo.

Furthermore, Go to the Mysql Connector > Mysql Table > Fill in the required details.

Here in the Server Settings, you have to add the required fields [EX; Name, Connector (which you have added in the SQL Connector's name which you want to connect it to SQL Connector)].

Now, here you have to add the SQL Table Name(which would be the name of the table on the SQL server) and Odoo Model Name (The Mapping Model on Odoo to which records have to be synced),
Once done, you need to configure the Batches in which you want to import data into Odoo, For this you can see the fields "Per Batch Count" and "Last Count",
"Per Batch Count" will be used to define the number of records to import in each batch.
"Last Count" will be having the count of the records already imported from SQL DB into Odoo.
You can define the last count if you want to skip a few records to import from the Remote SQL database.

Here we've set up three boolean fields: "Want to Sync the data", "Want to Update the data" and "is unique identifier". By checking "Want to Sync the Data" If field is selected, the system will automatically configure a scheduled action to run periodically. This scheduled action ensures that the synchronization process takes place automatically, eliminating the need for manual initiation. "want to Update the Data" This field should be selected, all records from the MySQL database will be updated in your Odoo table when you click on the "Sync Table" button. Lastly, in "is Unique Identifier" This field should be selected, and you need to add one unique field in your database. This unique field is crucial for identifying records uniquely in both your MySQL and Odoo tables.

Here, you have to manually add the Mysql Field and Odoo Field and then click on the "Sync Table".

You will see your data successfully imported into Odoo after clicking on the Sync Table button.

Version | Released on : 26thFebruary 2024
Version | Released on : 22ndApril 2024
Version | Released on : 25thApril 2024
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Community.
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise.
- Performance: MySQL is known for its speed and reliability, which can enhance Odoo's performance.
- Data Integrity: MySQL ensures data integrity and supports transactions, making it a robust choice for Odoo users.
- Scalability: MySQL databases can handle large amounts of data, making them suitable for scalable Odoo implementations.
- Yes, you can use MySQL Connector with different versions of Odoo, but it's important to ensure compatibility between the connector version and your Odoo version. Newer versions of Odoo might require updated or compatible versions of MySQL Connector. Always refer to the official Odoo documentation and MySQL documentation to find the compatible versions for your setup.
- Yes, the module is easy to install and use, and can be configured according to the specific needs and preferences of the seller.
- Please Contact Us at info@mindphin.com to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.
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